
What is Pediatric Orthopedics?

It is a super specialty branch in orthopaedics to evaluate & treat the musculoskeletal (bone, joints & muscles) problems in a child who is still growing. It includes newborns to teenagers..

Problems treated in Pediatric Orthopedics

A child is not a young adult. Musculoskeletal problems in children are different from those in adults. Since children are growing, their response to infections, trauma, and deformities are different from adults & need to be managed by specialized pediatric orthopedic surgeon. Common problems in children includes: -

  • Trauma & Fractures
  • Congenital deformities present since birth like Clubfoot, DDH, Vertical talus etc.
  • Developmental deformities like SCFE, Perthese, Bow leg, Knock knee
  • Spine deformities like Scoliosis, Kyphosis, Pott’s spine etc
  • Bone & Joints infections (Septic arthritis, Osteomyelitis)
  • Nutritional deficiency like Rickets, Growth pain etc…
  • Gait problems like In toeing/ out toeing gait
  • Limb length discrepancy
  • Short stature & Bone dysplasia

Personalized Care That Involves the entire family

We treat children with a wide range of conditions ranging from broken bones to more serious life-threatening conditions:

  • Bow legs
  • Club feet
  • Fractures & broken bones
  • Sports and other injuries
  • Trauma
  • Tumors of the bone and joints